There are many talks that define women empowerment like, women empowerment refers to the activities undertaken to improve the social , economic and political status of women in the world. Women empowerment is an issue of great significance in the modern perspective. The feminist movement that first raised the need for women empowerment started in 1800s when women demanded their right to vote in Britain. Since then, there have been two more waves of the feminist movement on global basis. Expansion women empowerment starts with the basic steps of granting women the right to live.
Women empowerment is a concept that has been subjected to a lot of questions over the years. There will always be a section of the society who will consider women inferior to men and this oppose the movements to uplift them. However, liberals have raised the question that does woman need to be empowered. According to them women are already empowered, they are strong and equal to men, and what we need is to reform the society that makes them full weak. Keeping all the perspectives in mind, women empowerment is a significant and vital issue that must be discussed and reflected upon by us.

5 women we can empower women globally :
Give them decision making roles-
Although many women are now powerful contributors to the economy of some states, gender equality is still a myth in the greater part of the world. Women have actively started participating in the tech industry, food production, natural resource management, domestic wellness, entrepreneurial work, as well as energy and climate change. But, most women still don’t have access to good job opportunities and resources to get a better paid job.
More job opportunities for women –
Despite being significant contributors to social and financial development, women don’t have access to equal job opportunities. Equal rights programmers can invest significantly in promoting decent jobs and public policies, advocating growth and development.
Invest in women’s entrepreneurial ideas –
An effective way of tackling gender inequality is entrusting women with entrepreneurial work. The State can take initiatives to train women in business skills for better job opportunities .
Taking action against unpaid labor work –
One of the biggest concerns about gender inequality is women’s unpaid labor. Many marginalized groups , including rural women and domestic workers, are often deprived of economic independence and many times their labors go unnoticed by society. With empowerment policies striving to raise the incomes of women, resources can be appropriately managed to eradicate the issue. Unpaid labor is growing concern among many developing countries, and this is primarily associated with rural and low skilled workers. By controlling the driving factors and protecting women from violence and social abuses , women can be encouraged to explore and utilize their potential.

Mentoring women professionally and personally –
Implementing fancy rules can’t drive away unequal pay gaps and lack of job opportunities for women. To eliminate the problem from the grass root levels , gender sensitive economic policies should be developed.
Education is one of the most important means of empowering women with the knowledge, skills and self confidence necessary to participate fully in the development process. Education is regardless as an important milestone of women empowerment because it enables them to face the challenges, to confront their traditional role and change their life. Education of women is the most powerful tool of change their position in the society.
Education is one of the most important means of empowering women with the knowledge, skills and self confidence necessary to participate fully in the development process. Education is regardless as an important milestone of women empowerment because it enables them to face the challenges, to confront their traditional role and change their life. Education of women is the most powerful tool of change their position in the society.
Education not only educate a woman but also enable her to take decisions and accept responsibilities at her home and outer world for their empowerment. Education helps a woman to understand her rights to equal treatment like a man in the society of this nation.
Women’s empowerment has become a significant topic of discussion in development and economics. Economic empowerment allows women to control and benefit from resources, assets and income. It also aids the ability to manage risk and improve women’s well being.
The India government has introduced various schemes to empower women and provide them with opportunities for growth and safety. These initiatives aim to address issues such as gender inequality, violence against women, and access to education and healthcare.
Women represent half the world’s population, and gender inequality exists in every nation on the planet. Until women are given the same opportunities that men are, entire societies will be destined to perform below their true potentials. The greatest need of the hour is change of social attitude to women.
- WOMEN EMPOWERMENT - December 16, 2023
- Woman In Relationship - October 9, 2023