50 Idioms You Must know

Basically Idioms are Phrase and we use it to express our ideas and opinions. Idioms are not as much as we think, it easy and fun to learn. For Building your English skills you must have knowledge of Idioms, Idioms play very important role in English learning. It gives you a way you to express your opinion and ideas smartly in creative way in less word.

  • Bury the hatchet:
    • Meaning_Make peace/ forget the quarrels.
  • All moonshine:
    • Meaning_ Superficial, Total lies.
  • To face the music:
    • Meaning_To bear the consequences.
  • On tenterhooks:
    • Meaning_In anxious suspense.
  • A greenhorn:
    • Meaning_An inexperienced person.
  • Kick the bucket:
    • Meaning_ To die.
  • Foam in the mouth:
    • Meaning_ Angry, furious.
  • Big draw:
    • Meaning_ Huge attraction.
  • Head over heels:
    • Meaning_ To be madly in love.
  • Dry run:
    • Meaning_A rehearsal of a performance before the real one.
  • To get over it:
    • Meaning_To accept something that happened in the past and move on.
  • Flea market:
    • Meaning_A street market selling second-hand goods.
  • To spill the beans:
    • Meaning_To reveal secret information unintentionally.
  • To shoot the breeze:
    • Meaning_To have a casual conversation.
  • Scot free:
    • Meaning_Without suffering any punishment.
  • God’s acre:
    • Meaning_A cemetery besides church.
  • Once in a blue moon:
    • Meaning_An event that happens infrequently.
  • Pound the moon:
    • Meaning_Hunt for a job on the street.
  • Couch potatoes:
    • Meaning_A person who prefers to watch television.
  • Feather in one’s cap:
    • Meaning_A new and additional distinction.
  • Put up the shutters:
    • Meaning_Go out of business.
  • Evening of life: Old age.
  • From stem to stern:
    • Meaning_All the way from the front of a ship to the back.
  • Palm off:
    • Meaning_To dispose off with the intent to deceive.
  • Red letter day:
    • Meaning_An important day.
  • Take a French leave:
    • Meaning_Being absent without permission.
  • To cut the Gordian knot:
    • Meaning_To perform a difficult task.
  • A hard nut to crack:
    • Meaning_A difficult problem to solve.
  • Give away:
    • Meaning_To distribute something.
  • A black sheep:
    • Meaning_A person with bad reputation.
  • An about turn:
    • Meaning_Complete change of opinion or situation.
  • Backseat driver:
    • Meaning_A person who gives unwanted advice.
  • To be down to Earth:
    • Meaning_To be realistic.
  • Seamy side:
    • Meaning_Unpleasant and immoral.
  • Tall tales:
    • Meaning_Boasting.
  • At random:
    • Meaning_Without any aim or target.
  • Pin money:
    • Meaning_Additional money.
  • Plain sailing:
    • Meaning_Very easy.
  • A cakewalk:
    • Meaning_An easy achievement.
  • To run amuck:
    • Meaning_To run about in frenzy.
  • To break the ice:
    • Meaning_To start a conversation.
  • Wide berth to:
    • Meaning_To stay away from.
  • Chapter and verse:
    • Meaning_Provided minute details.
  • In Dutch:
    • Meaning_Trouble.
  • Wild goose Chase:
    • Meaning_Useless search.
  • Hold water:
    • Meaning_Sound logical fact.
  • Ball is in your court:
    • Meaning_It is up to you to make the next decision or step.
  • Whole nine yards:
    • Meaning_Everything. All of it.
  • Got through with:
    • Meaning_Finally finished his thesis after hard toil.
  • The balloon goes up:
    • Meaning_The situation turns unpleasant or serious.


Puja Pandey
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