Scheduling Success

OK, so we all know the importance of making schedule in our lives. Like whatever we do, if we make a schedule about that, then this increases the chances of success of that thing.
A schedule is a way to keep track of your activities and task. A schedule includes everything you have to get done, and helps you plan out when you can get things done. It also helps us to see how much time you have available.
Now let’s talk about some benefits of making schedule .
There are so many benefits of making a schedule some of them are listing below,
(i.) STAY ON TRACK :- Making schedule helps ward off procrastinaton and keep you on top of your job.

(ii.) CARVE OUT PERSONAL TIME :- Over scheduling can lead to stress and fewer social interactions, so always look at your plans holistically or put holds in for free time to take care of your mental health and participate in joy bringing activities .

(iii.) PRIORITIES WORK :- it tells us what to be done first. It optimise priorities, it tells us which work task or personal chores must get done first to manage your time effectively.

(iv.) STRUCTURE AND DISCIPLINE :- Schedule helps us to be disciplined . It tells us what to do, when to do and how long it should take. So basically we do work in a disciplined manner.

(v.) STEADY PROGRESS TOWARDS YOUR GOALS :- A good schedule also accommodates contingencies to keep you on track with your targets.

(vi.) PRESERVE MOST VALUABLE RESOURCES :- when you have a consistent schedule, you won’t be able to add more hours to your day magically. You will however spend less time in making decisions, planning and preparing. It also encourages you to stop wasting time on unproductive activities like getting stuck into social media.

So whether it is studies , work or anything, making schedule always helps us to do that in a productive manner.
Now let’s move to the strategies for creating schedule.

(a.) PLAN STUDY TIME :- First of all you have to plan your study time. Plan how much time you need to study for each topic. Shorter time blocks are easier to find and to schedule than to longer blocks. So create according to the time available .

(b.) :- MAKE IT PRODUCTIVE :- Make your schedule productive. Establish a consistent study routine that suits your preferences and schedule. It’s not necessary to study 12 hours in a day even if you don’t want, just study as much as you can but with full focus and concentration.

(c.) PLAN TIME FOR FUN AS WELL :- Don’t make your study a never ending process. Give it it’s time slot and devote yourself to it and then reward yourself with the things you really feel like doing afterwards.

(d.) DETERMINE THE GOAL :- when you make your schedule, first thing you have to do is to determine the goal. Ask yourself that why are you making this schedule, what do you want to achieve and then work for that. While making the schedule think about the results you want to see, and plan your activities accordingly. Break your bigger goals into smaller ones and then try to achieve that everyday.

(e.) DON’T OVER COMMIT :- Make sure you commit to a manageable goal and a study schedule you can keep. To avoid over commitments, take control and make good choices about your schedule. Include every essential things that you do in a day. Try to avoid cramming your schedule with activities and tasks.

(f.) MAKE A TO -DO LIST :- Make a to-do list every day for yourself. List all the task that you need to accomplish. Organize your list by sorting your master list into categories. To be your most productive you need to have tunnel vision on task in front of you.

(g.) SELF IMPROVEMENT TIME :- Give yourself self improvement time. One daily hour of self improvement is the most effective and sensible way to achieve long lasting success.

(h.) WEEKLY CHECKLIST :- A weekly review is an opportunity to direct your life with intention. Checklist provide details for every step in a process ,thereby keeping things organized. Weekly checklist helps to avoid you ever having to ask, “what was I doing all this time “? Weekly review will sharpen your intuitive focus on important topics, as you deal with the flood of new input and potential distractions coming you the rest of the week.

(i.) LEAVE ENOUGH SPACE FOR UNPLANNED EVENTS :- Leave some time for flexibility. Remember you are not going to be able to predict for all the unexpected events that can and will happen.

So, these are some strategies that will help you to make a good and productive schedule.
As effective scheduling can help with time management, to get you into daily routine, and solidity a work life balance.
Follow it and achieve your goal.
Hope you like it .
All the best. 🙂

Kavita Mishra
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